Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or just curious about the digital underworld, these hacking facts will have you clicking with newfound insight into the code-cracking, firewall-piercing, and encryption-busting world of hackers.

Hackers are not always relegated to the fringes of society; many also work for governments. An intriguing instance occurred when readers of al-Qaeda’s inaugural English-language magazine, “Inspire,” attempted to download a handbook titled “How to Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mother.” To their surprise, they were met with a collection of cupcake recipes. MI6 had successfully hacked the site and replaced the PDF with Ellen DeGeneres’ cupcake concoctions, including “Mojito” and “Rocky Road.”

The earliest documented instance of technological “hack” dates back to 1903, involving a wireless telegraph system. While the term “hacking” was not used at the time, it was referred to as “scientific hooliganism.”

A staggering 300,000 new malware strains are cooked up every single day.

You’ve heard of the mysterious hacktivist group, Anonymous, right? Well, it all started on the 4Chan message boards. They’ve made the Guy Fawkes mask their mascot and generally lean towards liberal causes. They’ve targeted the Church of Scientology, the Westboro Baptist Church, and even took on Donald Trump.

Remember the iconic Trinity hacking scene in ‘Matrix Reloaded’? Well, it turns out it’s not just movie magic! It’s an accurate portrayal of a real hack exploiting an SSH vulnerability. Hollywood, always a step ahead!

Speaking of Hollywood, the TV show ‘Mr. Robot’ takes its hacking scenes seriously. They’ve got a squad of hacking and cybersecurity experts making sure everything’s legit. They even perform the hacks in real life and then bring them to life using Flash animation. That’s dedication to authenticity!

One of the FBI’s most-wanted cybercriminals, Jeremy Hammond, experienced an ironic turn of events when he was hacked and subsequently arrested. His password, perhaps in a lapse of judgment, was his cat’s name followed by ‘123’.

Every 39 seconds, there’s a hacker attack happening somewhere in the digital realm.

A surprising revelation is that cybercrime has become more profitable than the global illegal drug trade. While the illegal drug industry yields around $400 billion annually, cybercriminals amassed approximately $600 billion in profits in 2018.

Now, here’s a shocker: Cybercrime is more profitable than the global illegal drug trade! While the drug industry rakes in $400 billion annually, cybercriminals pocketed around $600 billion in 2018. The digital world is where the big bucks are.