Nature sometimes creates amazing and unique places, and Victoria Falls is one of the most interesting among them. It is impossible for a person to create something as beautiful, and once you get here, you understand this with crystal clearness. Of course, getting to Victoria Falls is not easy, because it is located far away, in the heart of Africa, but those lucky ones who managed to do it will remember this sight for the rest of their lives.

Interesting facts about Victoria falls:

In the spring, during the rainy season, when the Zambezi River is at its fullest, Victoria Falls overthrows more than 9,000 cubic meters of water per second every second. And during droughts – only about 30 cubic meters, and at this time the mighty waterfall dries up to individual jets.

More tourists come through Zambia to Victoria Falls, through Zimbabwe, because the tourist infrastructure is somehow developed on the Zambian side.

There is a recess on the crest of the Victoria Falls, called the Devil’s Font. In the low season, when the water level in the Zambezi is at a minimum, individual extreme tourists swim in it.

Victoria Falls is located on the border of two African countries, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Rainbow above it you can see not only during the day, but also at night, if the moon shines brightly in the sky.

Europeans were practically not interested in it for half a century after its discovery, but after a railway line was extended to it in 1905, people poured here tourists.

The first European, explorer D. Livingston, who visited Victoria Falls in 1855, named it after the Queen of England.

At the peak of activity, clouds of water spray raised by Victoria Falls can be seen from a distance of 25-30 kilometers.

For not very modest money, you can rent a helicopter here and admire the waterfall from a height.

It is impossible to stand next to it and stay dry, as the air here is literally saturated with the smallest water suspension.

During the rainy season, almost half a billion liters of water passes through Victoria Falls in a minute.

According to By the ratio of width and height, Victoria ranks first among the waterfalls of the world.

At its highest point, the height of the Victoria Falls reaches 120 meters.

Victoria Falls is almost 1,800 meters wide.

The Zambians call it «Mosi-oa-Tunya», which means «Thundering Smoke».

This is the only waterfall in the world more than 1 km wide and more than 100 meters high.

It is almost twice the height of the famous Niagara Falls.

Victoria Falls is included in the list of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.