There are many reasons behind a failed marriage. Nobody quits on their marriage just because of a single mistake. But what are those reasons? Are you in the middle of a marriage crisis, or have you ever thought about why relationships go sour? We are enlisting down the top 7 reasons why marriages fail to give you some insight into divorces and separations.


Lack of Communication

When two people, bound by a paper, do not communicate their hearts to each other, then there will be absolute distances between them. Communication is essential in marriage, and when someone isn’t able to communicate his points to the other person clearly, there will be resentment and frustration in the relationship. The lack of communication not only impacts the understanding but all aspects of marriage. Most of the healthy marriages have only gotten that way because there is secure communication between both the partners.

Lack of Communication

Long-distance Relationship

Not everyone can survive a long-distance relationship. Being apart from your significant other and trying to remain to be close is another common cause for divorces. Several misunderstandings, frustration, suspicion, and lack of trust can stem from a lack of physical proximity that creates tensions and unwanted fights between two people.

In a long-distance relationship, spouses may come up with the most reasons of why the other person isn’t picking up the phone or video chatting. When you’re away from one another, the mind can come up with reasons to believe their partner is doing something they shouldn’t be. Some military spouses see this as an issue, and long-distance marriages are hard to endure.

Long-distance Relationship

Financial Crisis

Another reason why marriages fail is because of the economic crisis. In most of the Asian households, earning the bread and butter is usually the sole responsibility of the man of the house. When there are so many kids at home, parents, and siblings, and only one earning hand, things are bound to get tough.

And not just that, the financial incompatibility, where one person earns more than the other, also inhabits power strain on their relationship. Most of the couples had reported in the US that when their significant other started making more than them, they felt a struggle of power and inferiority complex.

Financial Crisis

No Intimacy

Another one of the most common causes is the lack of intimacy between partners. If you don’t feel connected to your partner, you will quickly feel that you’re either living with a stranger or a roommate.

The lack of intimacy will cause a void of emotional and physical intimacy, making the other person turn to someone else instead. Having intimacy between relationships isn’t always about sex. It’s more about feeling connected to your partner and giving time.

No Intimacy


Emotional and physical abuse is a sad reality for some couples who go through a divorce. An abuser isn’t always a wrong person, but instead, it’s his emotional difficulties and childhood traumas that turn him into something he isn’t. Domestic violence is another form of abuse that may lead to problems in the relationship. But one thing that is worth mentioning here is that not all people are suffering from domestic violence file against the abuser.

Their sole intention is to make the marriage work no matter what. However, in the last few years, both genders have realized their rights in marriage and now openly speak against staying in abusive marriages.


Insecurity and Jealousy

Even though most of the people aren’t going to accept it, but jealousy isn’t a sign of love. Instead, it is the cause of a failed marriage. Insecurity and jealousy destroy the root of marriage and eventually lead to divorce. If you’re insecure about your partner spending time out with his friends or if he is jealous of you spending time with your friends late out the night, this will cause frustration and resentment in the long run.

Insecurity and Jealousy

The Foundation of Marriage Is Wrong

Marrying someone for money, insurance, pregnancy, green cards, and other non-love reasons, can be why marriages are bound to fail. A marriage that lacks love is not strong enough to overcome challenges and hurdles people are to face during their lives. Thus, when hardships come, the strength for standing by each other isn’t there, so people leave one another.

The Foundation of Marriage Is Wrong