A domesticated form the wild goat of southwest Asia and eastern parts of Europe, the common domestic goat is a beautiful animal with four legs and different body appearances. Measuring up to 58 centimeter in height, an adult animal can weigh up to 300 kilogram. The gestation period and lifespan stretch across 5 months and 18 years, respectively. Here follows a list of the interesting 17 interesting goat facts that, besides adding to your knowledge, will serve as a source of entertainment as well.
Billy, Nanny & Kids
The names of male and female goats are buck or billy and doe or nanny, respectively, while a baby is termed as a “kid”!
Reality about Fainting Goat
Native to the United States, a fainting goat is also known as wooden leg or the Tennessee Stiff-Leg. If you frighten a goat that is suffering from the recessive trait of myotonia, its muscles will get extremely stiffened followed by the extension of the hind legs and neck. As a consequence, the animal will fall onto the ground.
Goat Skins as Parchment
The goat skins were used as the sheets to write on during the biblical times.
Quicker Goat Milk Digestion
As the fat molecules in a cow’s milk are five times larger than those of goat’s milk, the former takes an hour to get digested in the stomach while the latter can be broken down in just twenty minutes!
Goat Skin and Etymology of February
The month of February derives its name from the word “februa” which refers to the Roman festival of ritual purification. It was meant to promote fertility in women. On the occasion, the young men wore the skins of goat and hit women with strips of goat skin while running around them.
Food Utilization and Growth
Goats are unable to utilize the feed as efficiently as sheep, so they have relatively slower growth rate as compared with that of sheep.
Kids Moving with Herd Immediately after Birth
You will be surprised to know that, within minutes after their birth, the kids can not only stand on their legs but are also capable of moving with the herd.
Fertility versus Size of Scrotum in Bucks
The intensity of sexual desire and fertility directly depend uponthe size of scrotum in bucks, i.e. male goats.
Boar Goat—Leading Meat Breed in the US
The mature males and females of boar goats can weigh up to 380 and 300 pounds, respectively. They serve as the leading meat breed in the country.
Up to 6 Kids per Litter
In one litter, the goats can give birth to as many as 6 kids!
Weight Carrying Capacity
If a goat is properly conditioned, it can carry a load of upto 30% of its body weight.
First Animals to Be Domesticated and Used for Milk by Humans
Besides being the first animal to be domesticated by humans in 10,000 BC, goats are also the first organism to be used for milk by mankind.
3 Litters in 2 Years
In the time span of two years, does are capable of producing 3 litters of kids.
Goats Living in White House
Two goats lived in the White house during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, which belonged to his sons.
Goats to Nurse Babies
Are you aware of one of the really interesting goat facts that, in the ancient times, these animals were used to nurse babies?
Trip—a Herd of Goats
Do you know the proper name for a large group of goats? Well, a herd of goats is called a "trip".
0ver 2000 Goats Buried with Pharaoh Cephranes
The pharaoh Cephraneshad a great love for goats. On his wish, as many as 2,234 goats were buried with him.