Are you ready to embark on a journey to the mesmerizing island paradise of Bali? It has an area of 2,232 square miles (5,780 square kilometers) filled with beaches, temples, and rich culture for you to explore and enjoy! So pack your bags because here are 7 blissful facts about Bali:


Every village in Bali has a temple!

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of temples in Bali, which explains why it’s also called “the island of a thousand temples” and “the island of the Gods.” It’s estimated that there are over 10,000 temples spread across the island. To show respect, people entering these temples must wear a sarong, and both men and women are required to cover their shoulders and back.

Every village in Bali has a temple!

Bali’s Lempuyang Temple doesn’t actually have a lake

You’ve probably seen a picture of The Lempuyang Temple, one of Bali’s oldest temples and often called the Gates of Heaven.

It has risen in popularity primarily because of the reflection photos tourists have posted on social media apps like Instagram… but don’t be fooled! The reflection that most people think comes from a lake in front of the temple just comes from a mirror held under the camera by a local – for a donation.

Bali’s Lempuyang Temple doesn’t actually have a lake

Thousands flock to the springs at Bali’s Tampaksiring temple to wash away their sins

The holy spring temple in Bali is called Tirta Empul and is located near the town of Tampaksiring. Its famous spring is found in the central yard of the temple, also known as Jaba Tengah, consisting of 2 pools with 30 water showers. The temple’s water is considered blessed, which is why so many people go there to be purified from their sins.

Thousands flock to the springs at Bali’s Tampaksiring temple to wash away their sins

One of the largest Starbucks in the world can be found in Bali!

The gigantic Starbucks cafe in Bali, Dewata Coffee Sanctuary, is 20,000 square feet and was opened on January 12, 2019. It has a modernized look with a mix of traditional Balinese architecture. What’s more interesting is that you’ll find an actual coffee farm right next to it!

One of the largest Starbucks in the world can be found in Bali!

There’s a fire dance in Bali called Kecak Dance

The Kecak dance is dedicated to the Ramayana, a Sanskrit epic from ancient India, which shows how King Rama was able to save his wife, Sita. It started in the 1930s and is often performed by numerous men in the Uluwatu temple, even reaching up to 50 to 60 performers!

There’s a fire dance in Bali called Kecak Dance

The main religion in Bali is Hinduism

While 87% of Indonesians report being Muslim, that isn’t the case for Bali, as their primary religion is Hinduism. Hinduism was introduced to Indonesia by Indian merchants, scholars, and priests during the 1st century. While the majority of Indonesia eventually converted to Islam around the 15th century, Bali remained the only majority Hindu holdout.

The main religion in Bali is Hinduism

You can find beaches with black sand in Bali!

These fascinating beaches are found on Bali’s North and East coasts, where you’ll also find Bali’s volcanoes. The island’s volcanoes play a crucial role in why these black sand beaches exist, as black sand is made from eroded volcanic materials.

You can find beaches with black sand in Bali!