Getting tired of the usual dogs and cats and up for a new, more challenging pet? Or have you really been into caring for more exotic species and not domesticated ones? Well, need not to worry because not all exotic animals will get you charged with illegal wildlife trade. Here is a list of the most exotic pets that you can legally own.
Mexican Red-Legged Tarantula
This type of tarantula belongs to the docile kind that is why it is popular among collectors and exotic pet owners. They are slow growing and females can live longer than the male. It is very reluctant to bite even when it feels threatened, making it a little less dangerous as opposed to its cousins. Its primary line of defense, like other tarantulas, is its urticating hairs.
Emperor Scorpion
This species of scorpion is native to West Africa, it can live up to 6 to 8 years and is one of the largest among the scorpion family. They are black in color but glows into a pastel green when exposed to ultraviolet light, not that there’s a reason for you to have an ultraviolet light lying around somewhere.
Fennec Fox
This breed of a fox is native to North African Sahara desert. They have a lifespan of 14 years when held in captivity. The fennec fox is one of the only two species of fox that can be held in captivity as pets though they are far from domesticated like dogs or cats.
Green Iguana
Green Iguanas or just commonly referred to as Iguanas are native to South and Central America. They have a calm disposition hence making them an ideal pet. They can grow up to 1.5 meters from head to tail. It can be a bit challenging to care for especially for amateur collectors/ hobbyist due to its needs like specialized lighting, etc.
Capybaras are the largest rodent in the world and can weigh up to 70 kg. They are herbivores and can stay underwater for as long as 5 mins. They are of South American origin and in some areas are hunted for their meat and pelt.
Southern Tamandua
Tamandua also was known as anteater is a solitary animal and is a native of South America. It commonly feeds on ants, bugs, and termites. They can be colored tan, brown or blonde depending on the exact area of origin.
Chestnut-Spotted Genet
They are not cuddly pets and don’t go well in groups. The only way they can live with cats and dogs is if it grows up with them. Change in environment and caretakers can be stressful to genets.