Statistically, Asians are the thinnest people on Earth. “That’s genetics,” you will say. But this is only partially correct: Traditions and habits also play an important role in staying fit. We have revealed 7 secrets that help Asians stay fit without strict diets or exhausting exercise.
Exercise And Meditation
Traditional Asian medicine pays a lot of attention to disease prevention and seeks to eliminate the root of a disease, while Western medicine works mainly with its consequences. That is why meditation, Tai Chi, and other activities are widely practiced in Asia to prevent the development of certain diseases, including obesity.
It’s hard to imagine Asian cuisine without fish and seafood, which contain omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to its beneficial effects on the immune, vascular, and reproductive systems, omega-3 contributes to weight loss.
The researchers conducted a three-week experiment that showed that under the same conditions (calorie restriction and regular exercise), the group that received omega-3 capsules lost 1.5 kg (3.3 pounds) more than those who took the placebo.
Surprisingly, this habit is related to high population density. Big-city residents use public transportation instead of cars; They also live in small apartments in areas where shops, laundries, and other public places are within walking distance. For this reason, a typical Asian travels a greater distance in a day than an American who generally travels by car.
Attitude To Food
In addition to the quality and quantity of food, your attitude towards them also influences your body. In the West, food is not only a natural necessity but also entertainment – an approach encapsulated in eating contests. It’s not that Asians don’t like to eat. They love food like anyone else, but ultimately, this is just one way of sustaining life to them.
Tea Instead Of Cold Water
Unlike Europeans and Americans, Asians generally wash their food not with cold water or soda, but with hot, usually green, tea. There is an opinion that cold water, especially in combination with fatty foods, slows down the digestion process and can lead to weight gain as a result.
Cooking Methods
Ethnic restaurants adapt their dishes to the tastes of the local population, so it may seem that their dishes are almost always fried. This is not exactly the truth: Asian cuisine certainly has a lot of fried food, but this is not the most popular method of cooking; many recipes include steaming or boiling. The main thing is to stay within limits.
Lots Of Greens
As mentioned earlier, Asian dishes are rarely served in large portions, but this doesn’t apply to vegetables, especially green vegetables – they are eaten in substantial quantities. Another important difference is the taste: Western vegetable dishes often seem bland to Asian palates.