Ballet Dance
Ballet Dance originated in Italy during the fifteenth century and considered as a performance dance. This dance form later developed in France and Russia and began to be performed as a concert dance. It is one of the most complicated forms of dancing style and usually taught in different ballet schools all around the world. It is a highly technical dance form with its vocabulary based on French terminology.
It is mostly choreographed with orchestral or vocal music.Trained ballet dancers choreograph and perform ballet dances. The modern ballets are performed in simple costumes without using elaborate sets or scenery. Moreover, Ballet Dancing involves very precise flow and acrobatic movements. It is very hard to master and requires intense practice.Stylistic variations do exist in ballet dancing.
Tango is yet another fascinating dance form that is very popular throughout the world. Tango dance style originated in South America. However, credit goes to Spanish settlers for introducing this unique dance form to the world. It is a sensual ballroom dance that was originally performed only by women. However, it later turned into a dance for couples as it began to gain popularity in Argentina.
Tango is a very passionate and vibrant dance style that offers much room for expression, improvisation, and connection. It is still very popular throughout the world. Moreover, along with tango dance, tango music is also considered a great music genre throughout the globe.
Salsa is one of the most popular dancing styles in Latin America which has gained much acclaim in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and the Middle East. Salsa dance style originated in Cuba and is considered a partner dance. Salsa requires a couple. It is a syncretic dance genre that has its roots in Cuba.
However, there are also recognized solo forms and versions of this very interesting dancing style. Salsa dance is performed with salsa music. However, you can also perform Salsa dance with Latin American music as well. It can also choreograph as a line dance in which a partner is not necessary. Salsa is particularly famous for its flirtatious and lively steps.
Tap Dance
Tap Dance is an African American dancing form. It has roots in the Juba Dance, English Lancashire Clog dancing, and also in Irish step dancing. This dancing style originated in the mid-1800s during the rise of minstrel shows. It is one of the most interesting forms of dance but hard to learn as it requires perfect coordination between rapid feet and leg movement.
In Tap Dancing, you need special shoes which have metal plates that are attached to both the ball and heel of dancer’s shoes. The Tap dancers use their shoes to tap the floor. They use their shoes as a musical instrument and dance to the music at the same time. The metal plates are tapped against a hard surface thereby creating a percussive sound.
Jazz is another very lively dancing style. This dance form relies heavily on originality and improvisation. Jazz is originally an African dance form that was popularized by the slaves that were brought to the U.S. Gradually, it evolved into a style of street dance, and by the early 20th century it moved into the jazz clubs.
It incorporates bold and dramatic body movements with body isolations and contractions. It is usually done to jazz music. Jazz is a dance form that is performed with a lot of attitudes.
Hip-Hop is considered to be one of the most energetic and tough dancing styles. It evolved as a part of hip-hop culture and mainly performed on hip-hop music. This dancing style came into existence in the 1970s and was popularized by dancing crews in the United States. It emerged from the streets of New York in the city’s African-American and Puerto Rican communities.
It involves a wide range of styles such as breaking, locking, and popping. In fact, break-dancing which involves popping, locking, and athletic floor movements are regarded as the earliest form of hip-hop dance. And moreover, this dancing style is hugely popular with young people as it does not involve any rules and protocol.
Belly Dance
Belly Dance is an Arabic dance form which is also referred to as Middle Eastern Dance as it originated in the Middle East. However, Belly Dance has also become very popular outside the Middle East including North America, United Kingdom, Australia, and Spain.
It is an Arabic expressive dance form that originated in Egypt. It has evolved to take different forms both in costume and dance style and varied from one country to another. In Arabic, the Belly Dance is known as Raqs Sharqi (“Eastern Dance”). In this dance style, the most featured body part is the hips. It is a torso-driven dance with an emphasis on the movement of the hips.