Flowers are attractive and beautiful, and their impact on people can be enchanting. As the day comes to an end the night blooming flowers take their place, and their beauty needs no explanation. When the sun sets the moonlight opens your way to the nocturnal garden. After a hectic day, nothing can be more pleasing and mesmerizing than the sweet fragrance and beauty of night blooming flowers. So, here is a list of 7 most beautiful flowers that will stop you from sleeping, but at the same time fill your heart with happiness.


Moon flowers

These flowers bloom at night that is why they are commonly known as moon flowers. The flowers are white in color and are pollinated by night-flying insects who are attracted to its scent. It is sometimes known as moon vine and is a climber. This flower is a part of Convolvulaceae family. These are natives to South, Central America, and Florida. The flower starts to bloom between mid to late afternoon and has a lovely fragrance. The flower dies as soon as the sun rises and then another new flower begins to bloom.

Moon flowers

Four o’ clocks

As the name suggests, four o’ clocks are those species of flowers that grow late in the afternoon after 4 PM. The bloom and fragrance of this flower remain throughout the night. You must be thinking about the reason why they bloom at night, and it is simply because they respond to the changing temperature in the atmosphere and grow accordingly. The four o’ clocks are also known as Marvel of Peru which is because they are native to the tropical areas of South America. They appear in red, pink, yellow, white and some bi-colours. Four o’ clocks can be easily grown from seeds and look breathtaking in your gardens.

Four o’ clocks

Nottingham Catchfly

The flower Nottingham Catchfly derived its name from the fact that it used to grow on the walls of Nottingham Castle. But the construction and renovation of the castle destroyed all the flowers. The flower is native to rocky banks and eskers and blooms between June-July. It is a vespertine plant which simply means that it stays close in the day time and opens up in the late evening. The flowers are drooping with thinly divided petals and have a beautiful fragrance. These flowers attract various night flying insects, moths, and butterflies.

Nottingham Catchfly

Night-scented orchid

Night scented orchid is widely popular because of its scent which it produces in the evening and night. The pollination of these flowers takes place with the help of small nocturnal flies and moths. Most of the night scented orchids are rare and are not cultivated. The night-flowering orchid is the only orchid species to open its flowers at night and close them during the day. The night orchid measures about 2.5 cm across and consists of tiny petals surrounded by three relatively narrow sepals. The flowers have petals which are more like a landing pad for the pollinators.

Night-scented orchid

Night Gladiolus

Gladius is the Latin word for sword, and that is why the night gladiolus is also known as sword lily. The flowers are native to Tropical Africa, South Africa, Mediterranean Europe, and Asia. They are creamy yellow in color and features spicy night fragrance. The Night Gladiolus blooms between late spring and early summers. This flower grows best in areas where heavy rainfall takes place. These are amongst the most attractive flowers and add not just fragrance but also color to your gardens.

Night Gladiolus

Evening Primrose

The evening primrose is a wildflower and is native to America and Europe. The flower is cup-shaped with four petals and eight stamens. They grow in a variety of shades like pink, white and bright yellow. They grow between May to July and is very easy to grow. They are said to bloom at night, but the opening begins in late afternoon and remains open till noon of the next day. It is an excellent choice for moon gardens as the flower begins to glow in the dark. The specie of Oenothera biennis is used for medical purposes, and the seeds are pressed to form oil.

Evening Primrose

Night blooming jessamine

Night blooming jessamine is popularly known as night jessamine or night blooming Cestrum. The flower blooms at night and requires warm weather. These flowers are native to West Indies and Latin America. It releases strong fragrance which attracts butterflies and moths. The flower needs sunlight though it blooms at night. They are greenish-white in color and considered one of the best night garden plant. White berries grow along with the flowers which attract various birds and insects.

Night blooming jessamine